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Hope on the Horizon for Alzheimer's...


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By Deidamia Galan Saffer

First, let’s understand what the Alzheimer is. It is considered as a progressive disease that affects memory among other mental functions. It wasn’t until 1976 when this condition was recognized as a type of dementia, although there is data on this disease for more than 100 years.

Every year there are about 10 million new cases and in the entire world there are about 50 million people who suffer from neurocognitive disorder, "between 60% and 70% of the cases correspond to Alzheimer's disease" explains Dr. Awilda Candelario, neurologist at the San Martin Medical Group, in Dominican Republic.

A Closer Look at Promising Discoveries:

Fortunately, science has not stopped its research on detection, prevention and treatment actions for this disease. The specialist tells us that, among the most important advances today, is early diagnosis, which can be made through biomarkers, that is, biological molecules detected in the cerebrospinal fluid that indicate early degeneration, such as the protein TAU and beta-amyloid.

On the other hand, attempts are being made to make disease-modifying drugs, such as monoclonal antibodies, although they have failed to reverse the symptoms, it has been seen that they inactivate the evolution of the disease. An attempt is being made to make an earlier diagnosis in order to treat and continue preventing the disease.

Some warning symptoms and prevention tips

Dr. Candelario warns that, if you notice some symptoms in yourself or someone you know, early detection can allow you to relieve symptoms and maintain a level of independence for longer. Some symptoms shared by the specialist are:

Memory changes that make daily life difficult, especially in early stages

  • Behavioral changes, irritation, aggression, less tolerance for things or situations that did not bother you before
  • Decreased language, impoverished vocabulary, not remembering some names or objects
  • Difficulty planning or solving problems, changes in the ability to develop and follow a plan or work with numbers
  • Problems concentrating 
  • Disorientation of time or place 
  • Difficulty performing usual tasks at home or at work, among others...

Although unfortunately this disease still has no cure, Candelario recommends that to prevent or delay its progress, we must improve our cognitive store, that is, learn new things, such as a new musical instrument, learn another language, do cognitive exercises, read …in addition to:

  • Do physical exercise at least three hours a week
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Manage stress
  • Take care of cardiovascular health
  • Consume a nutritious, low-glycemic diet, including foods that contain vitamins C, D and E, fatty acids, omega-3 
  • Maintain your blood pressure and cholesterol at normal levels
  • No smoking 
  • Sleep well -research has shown some association between lack of sleep and a greater risk of developing mild cognitive impairment and memory loss-
  • Maintain an active social life and strive to expand your social network
  • Reduce the use of technological devices, such as smartphones that distract us and decrease our concentration
  • Stay informed and updated on the most recent research advances regarding preventive activities and treatments.


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